In the summer of 2022, the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs requested the Danish Maritime Authority to investigate the extent of harassment and bullying on Danish ships today.
The investigation is now complete, and it shows that there are major challenges in terms of harassment and bullying in the industry. For example the investigation states that approx. 17 percent of the respondents have experienced bullying at their workplace, while approx. 11 percent have been exposed to harassment.
According to the investigation, harassment and bullying especially takes place on long-distance cargo ships, and it is to a large extent young seafarers and seafarers with limited experience at sea who are exposed to harassment and bullying.
At the same time, the results show that the incidents of bullying and harassment are not only linked to gender, but also to race and cultural background.
“This is completely unacceptable and I am frankly surprised by the extent. The report even suggests that, despite the investigation, there may still be a dark figure. This is a serious problem that the industry partners need to address immediately. More must be done to ensure that seafarers on board Danish ships don’t have to fear harassment and bullying - neither on the basis of gender or ethnicity. Therefore I have asked the Danish Maritime Authority to engage in dialogue with the industry partners to find the measures that can ensure a safe working environment both in the short and long term. On that basis the government will be open towards the initiatives,” says the Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Morten Bødskov.
The Danish Maritime Authority will, in cooperation with the industry partners, deliver a proposal for solutions prior to the new year 2023/2024.
Read the full report here.